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Western Australian Student Statement of Achievement

The WASSA is issued to each Year 12 student at the completion of their senior secondary schooling; senior secondary school typically takes two years. The WASSA lists all courses and programs that a student has completed and the grades and marks achieved.


The WASSA formally records, as relevant:


  • achievement of WACE requirements

  • achievement of the literacy (reading and writing) standard

  • achievement of the numeracy standard

  • achievement of any SCSA exhibitions and awards

  • school grades, school marks and combined scores in ATAR courses

  • school grades and school marks in General and Foundation courses

  • completed Preliminary units

  • completed VET industry-specific courses

  • successfully completed VET qualifications and VET units of competency

  • completed endorsed programs

  • number of community service hours undertaken (if reported)


Additional information regarding the WACE and WASSA can be found here:




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