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Year 12 Photography Students Capture House Spirit at Mercy Games

On Friday, 23 February, the College celebrated Opening Mass followed by the Mercy Games.

Our talented Year 12 Certificate Creative Industries—Film and Photography students were out in force, using the skills learnt in the classroom to capture the essence of the day. They blended into the action, producing candid shots that perfectly captured the spirit of the day.

The whole day was incredible! It was great to see everyone coming together in unity and with House spirit.

The morning began with the 2024 Opening Mass led by Father Robert, whose reflections on the Mercy Value of Hospitality reminded us of the importance of kindness within our community.

Following Mass, the Mercy Games commenced, with students enthusiastically competing in their Pastoral Care Groups (PCGs). The Year 12 student leaders set the tone by donning costumes and fostering a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition among their House members. It was particularly nice to see the addition of the two new colours, orange and green, of the new Houses Frayne and Champagnat.

The inclusion of water games was also a welcome addition and much appreciated by all participants.

A round of applause goes out to McAuley House for their outstanding performance, earning them the well-deserved 2024 Trophy.

Thank you to the following Year 12 Photography students for skillfully capturing the day's memorable moments:

  • Isabella Abbey

  • Lily Budge

  • Juno Haldane

  • Abigail Keeler

  • Rocky Pike