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Reflections on Mercy: Lessons from Jesus' Final Day

This Thursday, Our Lady of Mercy College came together to commemorate and reflect on the holiest of weeks in the Christian calendar. During this special occasion, our Year 12 students portrayed pivotal moments from Jesus's final day, urging everyone to open their hearts and minds during the liturgy to recognise Mercy in the suffering Christ and contemplate its relevance to our lives today.


The Washing of the Feet   

One of the scenes enacted was the Washing of the Feet, where Jesus humbly served his disciples, setting an example of servant leadership. This act challenges us to consider how we welcome and serve others, regardless of their status.

Peter Denies Jesus 

Another significant moment depicted was Peter's denial of Jesus. Despite Peter's shortcomings, Jesus showed mercy and entrusted him with leadership. This prompts us to reflect on our own responses to challenges and how we can demonstrate courage and respect in difficult situations.


Jesus’s Crucifixion 

Finally, we reflected on Jesus's crucifixion, highlighting the bystanders who watched as he suffered unjustly. This challenges us to consider our own actions when witnessing injustice and to embody compassion and seek justice for others.


These reflections offer us valuable lessons on how to live out our Mercy values in our interactions with others. Let's aim to mirror Jesus's model of compassion, justice, and mercy in our everyday actions.





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