Udari (Year 11) has recently joined the Fostering and Assistance for Wildlife Needing Aid Group (FAWNA) and has been an active member helping out at Possum School in the Tuart Forest.
Recently, she embarked on a mission to protect our precious southwestern Black Cockatoos from the illegal trade as pets. She has created a petition for this cause and is asking for your support.
The following message is from Udari:
I've made a petition supporting FAWNA in their fight to stop our southwestern Black Cockatoos being sold as pets. If you could sign this petition and/or share it with others that would be great.
This is the link to more information regarding the endangered birds and my online petition: https://chng.it/RhSWNqQZJC
Your support is invaluable. Please take a moment to sign the petition and share it with others who share Udari's commitment to wildlife preservation. Your name and email are required to sign, but you can choose to remain anonymous if you prefer.