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A Message from Principal Mr Crothers - Interim Reports

I recently enjoyed watching the movie “True Spirit”, which is based upon the story of Australian Jessica Watson, who sails around the world at the age of 16.

As part of her preparation, Jessica spends a night off the Australian coast and, unfortunately, collides with a cargo ship and extensively damages her yacht.

Safely back on land, her very worried father asks her about her “Early Warning System”, which should have alerted her to any vessel within 20km.

Jessica admits that she “forgot” to turn it on.

From an OLMC perspective, our “Early Warning System” is the Interim Report which parents and students will receive soon.

The Interim Report provides a quick snapshot of how your child has commenced the year and how they are engaging in their academic pursuits. I encourage all parents and students to read, reflect and, importantly, discuss the Interim Report when it arrives.

Whilst potentially flagging any “warnings”, this report also serves to affirm students who have worked hard and applied themselves diligently. They are creating opportunities for their future. The Parent/Teacher conferences which follow provide further opportunity for families to have an open discussion with their teachers.

I am confident that the goal of the College for all students is the same that parents have for their child. Regardless of their ability, Our Lady of Mercy College encourages all students to perform to the best of their ability.

Rob Crothers Principal


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