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Young Entrepreneur, Kayde Stemp, Sells Photo Cards for Easter

I would like to thank everyone for supporting my business enterprise, Stemp Photos, last Christmas. It was very successful and I sold a total of 143 cards.

I am now making cards for Easter, which will be available to purchase at the College.

There will be some photos from last year, along with some new ones. These Easter cards will also have a special message and picture inside.

Examples of my work and order forms are available in the Learning Commons at the College. Orders can be placed every Tuesday recess and Thursday lunchtime. Alternatively, please email your interest to

You can also view a selection of the availble prints here:

Prices are:

1 Print: $1.00

5 Prints: $4.00

10 Prints: $8.00

I appreciate your support.


Kayde is enrolled in a program called the Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN). ASDAN provides programs that offer imaginative ways of certificating people’s personal achievements.

As part of the program, he is undertaking ‘Business Enterprise’. This means that Kayde has to start a business, manage it, and use the money to restock with any profits going to charity. It consists of completing a portfolio of evidence for assessment.

To do this, Kayde sells blank photographic cards from photos he takes. His business enterprise is called Stemp Photos.


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