Forty-four of our Year 7 students recently took part in the Vinnies Blanket Appeal and Movie Night. The evening was an opportunity for students to learn about the Mercy value of Compassion through hands-on service activities and by hearing stories about homelessness and the challenges faced by those less fortunate in our community.

Throughout the evening, students engaged in meaningful work: they weeded three garden beds and planted vegetables, with the goal of harvesting and donating the produce. Some students helped prepare 30 liters of soup, while others assembled goodie bags for those in need. Many also contributed by donating warm blankets.
The students not only enjoyed spending time together but also took pride in making a positive impact on the lives of others.
Here are some quotes from the students:
"I enjoyed watching the movie with my friends." Summa
"I loved the activities, and the dinner was tasty, but the best thing was playing Farmer Sam." Vincent
"I enjoyed the movie and making the lolly bags." Cohen
I enjoyed making the toasties for everyone’s dinner." Samuel
