On Thursday, 25 August, during Pastoral Period, former 2018 College Captain, Jake Maughan, came and spoke about mental wellbeing and its significance during Year 12. Jake shared his own experiences and struggles with mental health, and his journey to overcome them. He is an inspiration and role model for many of our senior students and encouraged them to acknowledge their emotions and actively listen to each other. One Year 12 student commented: “As someone who just months ago made the decision to give mental health counselling a try, listening to you Jake, has really given me strength, and I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for showing awareness and telling your story because it made us feel like we're not alone in this. My struggles with mental health have made me super appreciative of getting to see and hear you speak about your experiences and share your success story with our Year 12 cohort. Thank you”

Please find below a link to Our Lady of Mercy College SchoolTV’s Special Report on the topic of wellbeing during Year 12. In this Special Report, parents and care givers are presented with a number of strategies on how best to support your child during the final year at school.