Our first Term this year has been short and busy yet very productive. Despite losing a week to COVID, we have managed to squeeze nine weeks’ worth of learning and community building activities into just eight weeks! The students and staff have been outstanding in adapting to change and embracing life. I thank all of our parents and carers for their support which has been crucial in keeping everything running smoothly.
It was pleasing to be able to round out this Term with a very successful Athletics Carnival. Despite a little bit of extra heat on the day, students willingly pitted their skills and abilities against each other to be named the Champion House. We congratulate all of the McAuley House members who worked so well together and ended up in first place. They have earned the privilege of being the first House to have their name placed upon the new perpetual trophy.
The recent celebration of Palm Sunday marks the commencement of the Easter Week ceremonies, including the crucifixion of Jesus on Friday and, importantly, his resurrection on Sunday. During this time, Jesus speaks to his disciples and tells them, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still and trust in me." Jesus recognises their fear and invites them to have the courage to trust in him. His words are just as powerful and meaningful for us today.
When Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples, his first words to them were, "Peace be with you." As we spend time with our families during this Easter, may we also experience this same peace within our hearts that comes from the hope of the Easter Story.
Mr Rob Crothers