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Rural Medical Careers: Insights from Emma Cooper, Rural Clinical School of WA

Thank you to Emma Cooper from the Rural Clinical School of WA who visited the College on Wednesday, 13 March 2024. Our students had the opportunity to engage in a Lunch & Learn Medical Q&A Information Presentation.

The Rural Clinical School of Western Australia is a collaboration between the University of WA, Curtin University, and Notre Dame University. It was established in 2002 to help deliver better health outcomes for people living in rural WA. The school's mission is to create opportunities for regional students and inspire them to lead successful rural medical careers.

Emma shared valuable insights with our Years 10, 11, and 12 students who are interested in pursuing a career in the medical field. She discussed various pathways available at universities offering Medicine in Western Australia. Her presentation was very engaging, and our students found the session highly informative.

  • “It was really informative towards what the pathway is into medicine in a rural area.” CJ Sheahen, Year 11

  • “It was incredibly informative, and Emma presented the information in a way that made the future tasks seem less scary and actually doable (unlike other presentations I've heard) which was very nice. It was short and sweet, making it easy to stay engaged.” – Claire Smith, Year 12

  • “I think this presentation was amazing and I am so glad I had the opportunity to attend. I loved how many universities and areas of medicine were addressed and compared. I really enjoyed the detailed discussion and genuine advice about how to prepare ourselves for university. It was great to be provided resources such as websites and people we can contact if we have questions.” – Keeley Stevens, Year 11

  • “Very informative. I took a lot away from the Lunch & Learn feeling more motivated and less panicked about what needs to be done so I can get where I want to go”. – Tawonga Ncube, Year 12

If you're curious about exploring careers in this rewarding field, don't hesitate to reach out to our Career Services Department for more information!

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