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Living with Covid - A Message from Principal, Mr Rob Crothers

The recent change in focus to Living with Covid was welcomed by many in our community, especially the students!

At Our Lady of Mercy, we could now choose to wear masks, welcome parents back to the campus, engage students in a range of external experiences and gather together in larger community groups.

We need to be mindful, however, that Covid is still present within our community and the rate of infections has spiked in the recent week. The infection rate has also spiked at the College, with up to 250 students absent on any particular day. Unfortunately, members of staff have also been unwell, and with a very limited pool of relief teachers available, this creates pressures for all staff and students.

The support of parents and their understanding of the present challenges is greatly appreciated. The generosity and willingness of the staff to work above their requirements is also greatly appreciated. The Mercy value of compassion is evident within our community when we take time to walk in the shoes of another, to speak kindly and to offer support.

I ask that the community assist the College in doing everything we can to remain open by keeping home students who may be unwell, encouraging your child to use the sanitiser provided in the classrooms, wearing a mask as needed and using the free RATs which are in the process of being distributed.

Let us also pray for good health for all.

Principal, Mr Rob Crothers



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