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Child Development

Year 10 Electives

Course Description

Child development is a great course for those interested in working with young children. There is a great opportunity to pursue this interest further after this course and students would be well equipped to do this after completing this elective. This elective gives student the opportunity to learn new experiences relating to children and infants which can directly set them up for later in life. Practical skills will be learnt, and projects developed and taken home.
Are you considering a child-related career, or do you have an interest in caring and learning about children? In this unit, students will have the opportunity of caring for the ‘computerized real-life babies’ which will help them understand the roles and responsibilities of parents and caregivers. Topics include families, conception, pregnancy and the needs of a newborn baby. Practical projects include meals for pregnant mothers and foods for young babies and craft related projects. Excellent course if you are interested in a child-related career or studying Certificate III Early Childhood Education in Year 11 and Year 12.

More Information

For more information regarding Year 10 electives, please contact the Academic Services Team or the Career Services Department at the College. 

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