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Students Learn About Social Justice and Modern Slavery at Year 10 Retreat

This term, Year 10 students have been looking at the theme of Social Justice in their Religious Education classes. On Friday, 24 March, they were given the opportunity to investigate this in further detail. The morning session began with a range of activities which identified justice issues impacting on children, and outlined the Catholic Social Teachings principles and their connection to The Mercy Way.

After recess, a team of presenters from Australian Catholic Religious Against the Trafficking of Humans (ACRATH) addressed the topic of modern slavery. Students completed a quiz on their understanding of slavery, heard stories about people who are considered slaves in the modern world and discussed the types of industries where modern-day slavery occurs.

To conclude the midday session, students participated in team-building activities. Later, after lunch, they worked in pairs to create a justice playlist featuring pop songs related to social justice issues or promoting Catholic Social Justice principles.

Below are some of the students' reflections on the day:

"There are so many different social justice issues in the world, and so many of them are happening right in front of us. " Ellise McAlinden

"Human trafficking and modern slavery is a bigger issue than I thought. It shocked me how common and cruel it is." Rachael Conway-Physick

"I learnt that most of our clothes are made from cheap labour." Tom Ward

"I learnt how much of a problem human trafficking is, and I also learnt how I can help prevent it from happening to me and others." Olivia Corso


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