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South West Community Care provides School-based Traineeship Opportunity for Monique (Year 12)

Having explored a variety of vocations over the past two years through the Workplace Learning Programs at Our Lady of Mercy College, Monique Parravicini (Year 12) appears to have found her niche in Community Care.

Monique has been attending South West Community Care in Harvey one day a week since February 2022, assisting with planned activities and engaging with community members.

Monique’s happy demeanour, enthusiasm and positive energy has struck a chord with community members and staff, resulting in an offer to make Monique’s position more permanent.

Monique signed her School-based Traineeship contract on 3 May 2022 with the assistance of Kerry Clark from The Apprenticeship Community and Natalie Edmonds, Human Resources (HRQS) Manager at South West Community Care.

She will attend the workplace for two days per week as an employee, where she will continue to assist with Individual Social Support, Social Groups and Outings while completing her Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability).

South West Community Care is a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity local to the South West. Its mission is to provide a full range of home care services to aged people in the South West of WA to the highest possible standard. Our Lady of Mercy College is proud of Monique’s commitment and dedication to the community and is very grateful to the staff at SWCC for their willingness to support Monique on her journey.

We wish to sincerely thank Natalie and the team at South West Community Care and Kerry from The Apprenticeship Community for their ongoing support.

If you have any questions or would like more information relating to VET/Careers, please contact the Career Services Team at the College on 9720 3300.


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