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Seeds of Justice: Empowering Women

The Seeds of Justice student event took place on Friday 21 May. Students from Mercy schools around Australia participated in a teleconference focusing on empowering women.

The keynote speaker was Sister Angela Reed, Head of the Mercy Global Action Group and Mercy Representative to the United Nations.

Students listened to Sr Angela and then participated in discussion and group sharing activities. It provided our students with a wonderful insight into the social justice activities which other Mercy schools around Australia. The aim is to begin our own justice group in the coming year.

Students who attended were Amberley Milne, Ryley Wastell and Lauren and Rachel Cronin. They braved an early 7am start so they were happy to share morning tea at 9am.

Ryley's comments:

The Seeds for Justice program outlines the basic problems facing society and how children of senior school age can act in a positive manner to ensure change and awareness of these issues.

This year the Mercy Seeds of Justice program focused on the role of women in society and how the pre-convinced roles of gender to create a negative impact on the economy for women.

While being male may have clouded my view of this, it was an insightful day with many interesting and informative discussions taking place on how Mercy-associated schools around Australia were raising awareness for this issue and making change.

Being lucky enough to have a brief presentation from Sr Angela Reed, Coordinator of Mercy Global Action, a global activist and current MGA Coordinator at the United Nations, on the importance of ensuring a strong future for women in the economy and how the MGA group works towards this goal.


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