Our Year 10 students recently went on Explorus. Explorus is an eight-day outdoor adventure camp where students challenge themselves with various activities, including caving, abseiling, rock climbing, hiking, camping in tents and working in groups.
This, along with the challenges of bush toilets and limited showers, took many students away from their comfort zone. It was an absolute pleasure to see our students in a different context and see who led, shone and assisted others.
Thank you to the staff who went along – Mrs Gann, Mrs McCosker, Mr Noonan, Mr Jumeaux, Mr Walters and Mr Manchip.
Mrs Louise Branson, Head of Year 10
Please enjoy these wonderful quotes from our students:
"The thing I enjoyed the most was caving and canoeing. When we were caving, I enjoyed it when the lights were out. Canoeing was fun because I was with the instructor. I enjoyed abseiling and seeing Mrs McCosker fall in the water."
Kayde Stemp, Year 10
"Explorus was fun being put out of my comfort zone with all the activities that we did. I enjoyed making new friends with people who I may have never got to know if I didn't go on camp "
Jai Pedlar. Year 10
"Good morning. Explorus camp was a good experience, and I really enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun."
Cameron McKenzie, Year 10
"I found that Explores was a really great experience, and I am glad that I got the chance to go on the camp. It was really fun and great."
Julia Cambrea, Year 10
"It was a great learning experience as well as bonding, many friendships grew along the way."
Amelia Ietto, Year 10
"It was a good experience to grow as a person and to extend and grow friendships."
Erin Emerson, Year 10
"I am not going to take my pillow to the tent as I want the true CAMPING EXPERIENCE." Henry King, Year 10
"Life is more enjoyable when it is basic."
Jack Vitali, Year 10
"Overall, Explorus was a very enjoyable experience and a very good opportunity to push myself to become a better person."
Alyssa Liddelow, Year 10
"Camp taught us a lot about respecting nature and one another. But I would not do it again."
Claire Scoullar, Year 10
"It was a great experience which challenged me physically and emotionally. The experience taught me how to be more independent whether it be at home or in school."
Ruby Bach, Year 10
"Camp was an eye-opening experience. I'm grateful to have been a part of it."
Emma Wilson, Year 10
'It was a great experience which allowed me to get to know fellow classmates better.'
Ethan McEwen, Year 10
"Camping is a break from the normal."
Todd Warren, Year 10
"Camp was the perfect way to get to know people I'd never of known otherwise."
Giaan Johnston, Year 10