Mrs. Isabella Bradley and Mrs. Maria Basson engaged in a Peer to Peer Feedback conversation.
In their desire to be the best they can be, our teachers recently engaged in a Peer to Peer Feedback opportunity to enhance their professional growth.
The goal for the day was to provide staff with an opportunity to engage in giving and receiving feedback in a peer to peer context. Teachers were then provided with time to apply this feedback to enhance their teaching and learning strategies directly and to integrate these within our blended learning technology environment.
Staff were grateful to have the opportunity to interact with their colleagues, receive affirmation for their work and suggestions for further improvement.
The response from staff was quite encouraging;
"It was really beneficial for me to work with someone from a completely different learning area. They helped to give me an external perspective."
"I learnt so much from being able to see how my more experienced colleague approached various tasks."
"I was encouraged to continue with my project. It was great to get the positive affirmation from a teacher I don't usually work with."