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College Sports Captains Adi and Will Bring the Latest Sports Update - Term 2

During our recent assembly, Sports Captains Adi and Will provided an update on some fantastic sports achievements within the College community:

ACC Basketball

Our Lady of Mercy College rocked the ACC Basketball competition with all four teams making it to the final 8! While the senior boys, girls, and junior girls put up a great fight, they were unfortunately eliminated. Nevertheless, reaching the final 8 is a commendable achievement, and both players and coaches should feel proud of their hard work. The junior boys, on the other hand, have powered through to the final 4, set to battle it out at Bendat Stadium on Wednesday, 9 May. We wish them the best of luck as they aim for the finals!


Interschool Athletics

The interschool athletics competition was held on Wednesday, 1 May. We took a large team of around 80 students and took a team-focused approach, performing the best we could in our event to gain as many points as we could for the College. The College ended up finishing 4th in the lower school, 4th in the upper school, and 5th overall, only 20 points behind 3rd place.

We also had an individual student who performed well on the day. CJ Sheahen was awarded runner-up Champion Girl. Let's give a big round of applause to our interschool athletics team for their stellar efforts!


Our Lady of Mercy College Athletics Carnival

Last term, we celebrated Costello and the champion boys and girls of our Athletics Carnival. During our assembly, we recognised some outstanding individuals who broke records at the carnival. 



Special mentions

We want to take this time to acknowledge some outstanding individuals who have excelled in their chosen fields.

Congratulations to:

  • Ella Edwards: for earning a spot on the state school girls' basketball team, set to compete in the Gold Coast during the upcoming July holidays.

  • Matilda Roney and Jasmine Pike: for representing WA at the recent state championships in underwater hockey held in Cairns this past April.

  • Trent Faulkner, Austin Forrest, Lucas Jacobs, Kiara Lawty and Cassie Ferris: for their selection to the WA state country basketball team.

  • Jay Pfoeffer, Matilda Crispin, Kyle Jocson and Tahlee Cam: for their achievements in making it to the School Sport WA state swimming team.

  • Keeley Stevens: for representing the WA junior team in the National Dragon Boating Championships.

Well done on your amazing achievements!


Have you recently received an award, won a competition, or did something exciting and amazing?

We would love to hear about it! Please Direct Message Mr Walkerden.

Adi Griffiths and Will York

Our Lady of Mercy College 2024 Sports Captains



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Embracing life  |  Nurturing faith  |  Inspiring learning

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