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Apprenticeship Offer for Riley Eckersley (Year 10) with BVA Metal Fabrication

Congratulations to Riley Eckersley (Year 10), who has commenced his Welding and Fabrication Apprenticeship with BVA Metal Fabrications in Picton this month. Riley expressed a strong interest in Metal Fabrication this year and initiated contact with local businesses to seek out work experience opportunities to provide a hands-on insight into the trade.

Riley contacted BVA Metal Fabrication in Picton at the end of Term 1, who have been supporting him with a work experience placement. Over the duration of Riley’s work placement, he has been exploring the light fabrication and welding of steel and using a variety of workshop cutting and welding equipment, including operating a plasma cutter. Riley has also been assisting with projects linked to the mining industry.

Our Lady of Mercy College has been working closely with Riley this year and supported his commitment to explore the possibility of a trade. Riley’s mature approach, work ethic and performance have enabled Riley to progress through his placement, resulting in the offer of an Apprenticeship.

The Career Services Team continues to engage and develop a strong and reputable relationship with local employers across a variety of industries to support students wishing to engage in Workplace Learning.

We are sincerely grateful to the team from BVA Metal Fabrication for providing Riley with this opportunity, and we look forward to growing this relationship for possible future placements.

If you would like more information on Year 10 Work Experience or our College Workplace Learning Programs, please contact the Career Services Team on 9720 3300.


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