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Annual Community Meeting Minutes - Monday, 13 February, 2023

 Working in Partnership, the College recently invited parents and members in our community to join us for the Our Lady of Mercy College's School Advisory Council and P&F Annual Community Meetings.

Being a member of the P&F and Advisory Council is a wonderful way to get involved in the school, whether you are a parent or community member. It is an opportunity to contribute your skills and expertise in a meaningful and structured way, to help shape the future of our school.

Each school has its own Advisory Council which works with the Principal to enact Quality Catholic Education across the Catholic School community, as well as strategically plan for the present and future operation of the College.

The Advisory Council represents the school’s community and plays an active role in nurturing and strengthening the Catholic culture of your school.

A Catholic School Parents and Friends Group (P&F) provides the opportunity for parents, caregivers and friends of the school to meet, share and become a community that supports and encourages our students and staff in realising the shared vision. The P&F can add strength to their school through community engagement and fundraising initiatives, in addition to being positive advocates for its school.

The College would like to thank all members of our community who attended the meeting.

A pdf copy of the minutes of this Annual Community Meeting, held Monday, 13 February, is attached here:


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