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Act Now to Tackle Vaping - A Message from the Principal

Jennifer Oaten, Principal of Santa Maria College in Perth, recently wrote an excellent article in the West Australian that encourages parents and the community to "Act Now to Tackle Vaping."

Vaping, which involves inhaling and exhaling aerosols from an e-cigarette, is currently growing in popularity amongst teenagers. Whilst some do not contain nicotine, many do. Jennifer believes that both forms are harmful to the health of our young people. She believes that tobacco companies are promoting vaping as a healthy and social alternative to smoking and making profits while affecting the health of our teenagers.

Whilst there is some evidence of students at our College vaping during school hours, we can be reasonably confident that it occurs within their social circles.

Our Lady of Mercy College does not allow the use of or the possession of illegal substances on the College grounds. E-Cigarettes fit into this category. Students have been informed of this and should have a very clear understanding of the College expectations and the law. The Pastoral Team is working proactively to ensure that our students are educated about ‘vaping’.

The College recently wrote to parents to inform them of the College's position on this matter and the Pastoral Care processes that are in place.

Parents are encouraged to read Jennifer's informative article (which can be found here), and to have an open and proactive discussion with their children. A mutual and respectful sharing of each other's views and experiences will foster family communication and assist your children in making positive choices about their health now and in the future.

Further information can be found using the links below.

Principal, Mr Rob Crothers


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