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Students Focus on Compassion at the Start of Lent

Lent prepares us for the season of Easter, the most important time in the Christian church’s calendar. By praying, fasting and giving alms, we are reminded of Jesus’s death and resurrection.

We are encouraged to fast or give up something during these weeks of Lent. By fasting we are making a sacrifice as that thing that we choose to give up might be something we really like. This is a reminder to us of Jesus’ sacrifice when he died on the cross for us.

Tuesday, 1 March was Shrove Tuesday. This is the day before Lent starts. Another name for this day is Pancake Day. This comes from the old English custom of using up all the fattening ingredients in the house before Lent so that people were ready to fast. The fattening ingredients that most people had in their homes in those days were eggs and milk and can be used to make pancakes.

On this day, Mrs Ritchie’s hospitality students cooked delicious pancakes, which were sold at recess to raise funds for organisations such as Caritas, Mercy Works and the Bishop’s Catholic Care Appeal. A total of $544 was raised.

On Ash Wednesday, students participated in special liturgies in their Pastoral Care Groups. Traditionally, students receive ashes on their foreheads as an expression of faith and humility. At this year's liturgy, students participated in a different kind of activity. Students worked together and made origami crosses as a reminder that we are part of the Christian family.

This significant time in the liturgical season asks us to reflect on the needs of others and be thankful to God for our many blessings. We are reminded of those who do not have access to the basic needs of human life and to consider ways in which we can be compassionate and act to best serve them.

As we prepare for Easter, we must stand in solidarity as a global family, challenging ourselves to live and act with love and hope, now and for all future generations.


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