Every Wednesday and Friday morning, the Foodbank initiative sees student and staff volunteers prepare, cook, and serve nutritious breakfast to students.
Studies indicate that School Breakfast Programs can significantly impact students, leading to enhanced concentration and productivity in class, a sense of belonging and safety, and better physical and mental health.
The School Breakfast Program began in 2001 when it was discovered that many students were attending school without having breakfast. The initiative started with 17 schools, and by 2021, 492 schools were involved.
The program has expanded, and it now reaches over 21,000 children in WA, serving over 68,600 breakfasts and 24,200 emergency meals each week.
The students who volunteer in the kitchen not only enjoy it, but their Christian Service-Learning hours are also accounted for. The school appreciates their enthusiasm and support.
The program is made possible by the generous donations of the government and corporate sponsors, which covers the cost of food items and transport.

However, families and businesses are also encouraged to contribute by donating canned beans, spaghetti, oats, milo, UHT, or making a monetary donation towards purchasing items like bread and cheese, which the Foodbank does not supply. Monetary donations of up to $50 can be made via CDF pay on the College website. If you are able to support the Breakfast Club in any other way, please contact our Finance Department.
The Breakfast Club is held every Wednesday and Friday morning from 7.50-8.20am at the Gym's servery window, and all students are welcome to attend.