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Our Debating Victory by Shiksha

Veatriki Ordoulidou, Shiksha Soni and Zahara Winters.

The South West Western Australian Debating League (WADL) is a school-based debating competition for students in Years 7-12. The Western Australian Debating League offers teams of secondary students the opportunity to formally argue about a chosen topic and convince the adjudicator why your point of view is correct.

The 2021 debating competition was a challenge for many of us, as it was our first time debating in front of adjudicators and versing other schools in the South West.

Our group was formed with names that were difficult to spell and pronounce, with many adjudicators always incorrectly pronouncing our names. Our team consisted of Veatriki Ordoulidou, Shiksha Soni and Zahara Winters, along with our coaches Lauren Cronin, Ryley Wastell and Amberley Milne.

" It took a lot of compromises and teamwork, but we all still had a great time preparing for each debate. "

Our team went from the first debate, where all of us knew pretty much nothing about debating, to winning the Grand Final of the South West Western Australian Debating League. We have all developed techniques in preparing our speeches and how to rebut the opposition team’s points. We were undefeated all season. We are all very thankful and grateful for our amazing coaches for putting up with us and helping us get to the Grand Final.

After our final win, we received a gold medal which is the highest and best result you can achieve. We are all very proud of each other and our finished result. It took a lot of compromises and teamwork, but we all still had a great time preparing for each debate.

It was such an experience, and we are definitely doing it next year!

By Shiksha Soni


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