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Giant Jenga

Joshua Smith, Year 11, surprised Director of Ministry, Mrs Karyn Cronin and Director of Student Wellbeing, Mrs Viv McKenzie, last week with two sets of Giant Jenga.

Josh found some spare time in his Building and Construction Class, as he was well ahead with his work. His teacher, Mr Cam Embry, saw this as a good opportunity for Josh to take on the Jenga project. He made the games over a two week period with these hours also contributing towards his Christian Service-Learning.

The boxes for the Jenga are made out of plywood and have wheels on them, so that they are easy to move around. The blocks are made out of treated pine. Each block had to be sanded on all sides to make the surface smooth enough to slide during a game. This meant Josh had to sand 108 individual blocks. There were a few hiccups along the way, but Josh was able to problem-solve them and finalise the project with success.

Last Friday, the two sets came out during lunchtime, as part of the "Friday Fun" activities. They were a great success, with students as well as teachers having a go at the stacking game.

Thank you, Josh, for demonstrating the Mercy Value of Service by making the Giant Jenga games in class.


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