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Gianna Bacich Signs School-based Traineeship with Karlique for Hair & Beauty

School-based Traineeships are on the rise at the College, with Gianna Bacich (Year 10) the latest student to acquire an opportunity with Karlique for Hair & Beauty in Harvey.

Gianna approached the Career Services Department at the College in Term 2, expressing an interest in School-based Traineeships, potentially in the field of Hairdressing. The team worked closely with Gianna, taking care to request a work placement in a salon that would be supportive and suited to Gianna.

Karlique for Hair & Beauty salon owner, Ester Italiano, was both engaging and enthusiastic about meeting Gianna, prompting an invitation for a workplace trial in May. Gianna’s friendly, gentle nature was evident from day one, with Ester seeing Gianna’s potential to be an asset to the business and their clientele.

Gianna signed her School-based Traineeship contract on 31 May with the assistance of Kerry Clark from The Apprenticeship Community. Gianna will attend the workplace one day a week while completing her Certificate II in Salon Assistant through South Regional TAFE.

The benefits of School-based Traineeships are immense and provide valuable real-world experience to students exploring possible vocations for future full-time employment while enabling them to remain at school.

If you would like further information or support with School-based Traineeships, please contact the Career Services Team on 9720 3300 or email


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