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Empowering Year 9 Students: Navigating Educational Support and Individual Pathways with South Regional TAFE

As part of the Year 9 Career Taster Program, our Careers Services Team aims to provide our students with engaging opportunities that suit various career pathways. Earlier this term, fifteen Year 9 students participated in a Career Taster event at South Regional TAFE (SRTAFE), expanding their horizons and exploring potential career paths firsthand.

This event proved to be a wonderful experience for our students, offering insights into pathways within the School-Based Education Support and Individual Support sectors.

The students indicated that the main highlight of the session was the hands-on and enjoyable practical exercises in the SRTAFE’s Aged Care training room. The students engaged with wheelchairs and other equipment used in elder care. They were introduced to practical skills and gained an understanding of the compassion and dedication required in this line of work.

“I thought it was really good and it was an amazing way for us to think about what pathway we are looking for. I enjoyed doing the hands-on tasks like going into the aged care room and looking at how those people live”. Alyssa Garrigan

“I thought it was a good way of seeing what careers we would like to do in the future.” Lily Simpson

“It was interesting and fun to understand how nurses and aged care workers help the people. I learnt that many people that are old need certain and different care.” Isabella Watkins

“Altogether, I am positive I would attend another taster event,and I found it heaps of fun and learnt a lot throughout the day”. Tahlia Moore

Overall, the event sparked the student’s curiosity and enthusiasm for exploring future career opportunities. We want to take this opportunity to thank Marchelle Antonovich and the staff at South Regional TAFE for providing our students with this enriching session.

For more information about the Year 9 Career Taster Program, please contact Ms Chloe Gunson from our Career Services Team. 


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