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Can You Guess the Shelfie?

On Friday, 27 August, students and staff celebrated English Day. This was in collaboration with Hayes House for Fun Friday. The students took part in riddle and idiom quizzes, matched the teacher to their ‘shelfie’, and won lots of lolly prizes!

We had a great turn out, and the English team loved seeing the students so enthusiastic!

English Day is usually celebrated as part of Book Week, which the College has been postponed to Week 1, Term 4.

Can you guess which bookshelf belongs to which teacher?

(Answers can be found at the bottom of this story.)

Answers from Left to Right:

Shendelle Mullane, Teacher Religion and English

Marta Widzynski, Teacher English and Acting Head of Learning Area - English

Leah Stone, Teacher Science and Religion and Life

Sharon Millington, Head of Learning Area - Science


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