Like any organisation, Our Lady of Mercy College needs to ensure that it is efficiently managing its financial affairs.
Several new initiatives designed to encourage parents to establish a “Fee Arrangement” with the College commenced this year, and I am pleased to report that over 87% of families have established an arrangement with the College. The initiative includes a small discount for early payment, extended payment arrangements for the calendar year, and a raffle for a credit of $750 towards a family’s fee for those with a Fee Arrangement in place.
The first raffle has taken place and the winner was delighted to receive a phone call from myself advising them of their good fortune!
A further draw of $750 is planned for Term 2 and again in Term 3.
The only requirement to be eligible is to have a Fee Arrangement to suit the family in place.
Please contact Michelle Williams at the Financial Services Department should you need any assistance with establishing such an arrangement.
The email address is
Rob Crothers