Welcome back to the 2024 Academic year. It was fantastic seeing all the students arrive knowing they had enjoyed a wonderful break with their families and friends over the Christmas and New Year break.
I feel very blessed and privileged to be continuing at Our Lady of Mercy College for Semester 1 whilst Mr Rob Crothers is on leave. I look forward to continuing to forge relationships commenced in the latter half of 2023 and ask that as a Catholic community, we continue to keep Rob in our prayers.
This year we have several new staff members joining the College and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce them to the College community. New staff commencing are:
• Ms Fiona May Head of Science
• Ms Kacey Walsh HPE Teacher
• Mrs Abbey Piggott HPE Teacher
• Mrs Martika Tooth HASS Teacher
• Ms Eden Hamlin Digital Technologies/ HASS Teacher
• Mr Jordan McGinley Teacher - Term 1
• Mr Jordan Faed Teacher - Term 1 • Mr Mark Olan Music Teacher - Term 1
• Mrs Rebecca Herring Reception - Term 1
• Ms Natasha Harding Ministry Administrative Assistant
• Mrs Sheryl Ingram English Teacher
• Mrs Amy McCarthy Education Assistant - Semester 1
• Mrs Lauren Princi Drama/ English Teacher
The following staff will be undertaking new roles:
• Mrs Sharon Millington Head of Year 7
• Mrs Natasha Shields Head of Religious Education - Term 1 LSL
Year 12 Results
The Year 12 results in 2023 were outstanding with a median ATAR score of 84.8. I extend my congratulations to all students who undertook the ATAR pathway as a way of entering university. We will acknowledge our 90+ Club members at our first assembly of the year. What highlighted the success of Our Lady of Mercy students were their ability to choose suitable pathways, be it Certificate IV or University Ready courses as alternative form of university entry. All these entry pathways are valid and allow students to achieve success. To all the staff who assisted our graduating class over their years at the College, I thank you for your hard work and effort in providing our students a holistic education, allowing them all to achieve to the best of their abilities.
Code of Conduct
Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) places a strong emphasis on positive and healthy relationships between staff, students, and their families. All staff in Catholic Schools are required to revisit the Child Safe Procedures at their College annually. It is a perfect opportunity to remind parents as members of the College community there is a Code of Conduct for students and community members, and I have attached these to this Mercy Story using the following link.
A “Good Cup of Tea” - Hospitality is the College Value for 2024
"Catherine McAuley believed that welcoming people who needed help in and offering them something to eat or drink was a way to share God’s love. Just before Catherine died, she asked that her Sisters have a ‘good cup of tea’ together after she had died so they could comfort each other”.
The cup of tea is a symbol of the hospitality which is the Mercy value the College will focus on throughout 2024. Our students and community members demonstrated very early this value to me, on my arrival to the College in 2023. Watch this space for some of the initiatives that will be advertised throughout the year and I encourage all members of our community to take part in these events. What better way to share in this value by attending our Annual Community Meeting. Come meet people, share a light supper and spend some time chatting to people in your child’s year group.
Annual Community Meeting
On Monday, 19 February at 6pm, the College will be holding its Annual Community Meeting in the Ursula Frayne Learning Commons. I warmly invite all members of the College community to attend this meeting. Members of the School Advisory Council and the Parents & Friends (P&F) will present their respective 2023 reports.
In my Principal’s address at the annual Presentation Night, I made mention of the importance of community. I see the P&F as a fantastic organisation that represents the families of our College community. It allows for people to come together with a focus on “friend raising” rather than fundraising. If you are interested in attending this event, I ask that you complete the linked form to allow for sufficient catering for the evening.
College Hours
To support our teachers in achieving a healthy work-life balance, there is no expectation that they will respond to calls, emails, or other communications, such as Direct Messages outside of school hours. In order to foster better communication, teachers will be available for families between 8:10am and 3:45pm. Our College office hours remain from 8:00am to 4:00pm. If you require urgent assistance, please feel free to contact the Administration office at (08) 9270 3300. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in promoting a positive and supportive environment for all our College community.
I look forward to welcoming you all personally at the College in the coming weeks at relevant parent evenings and College events.
Mr Vince Bellini