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Message from Principal Mr Crothers - Risk-taking, Growing and Embracing Change

The end of each term always provides an opportunity to look back and review what has been achieved and to look at how we can continue to grow moving forward.

Our School Reports and other feedback mechanisms are valuable sources of information. Self-reflection is a very powerful tool, and it is important that we affirm what we have achieved.

From my perspective, many students really stepped up to be the best they can be. This always involves some form of risk-taking but if it helps us to grow then we refer to this as healthy risk-taking. As a College, we endeavour to pose challenges and to provide opportunities for students to respond to across a range of academic, personal, sporting and cultural activities. Learning new skills, solving problems, exploring solutions, failing, and trying again, making ourselves vulnerable and engaging in competition and exams are all examples of healthy risk-taking.

Not only do I see our young people willingly engage in so many different situations, I also see them willingly encouraging and supporting their mates. I see an increasing sense of respect and understanding as they grow older and an increase in confidence in who they are and their sense of connection with their peers and the College.

I congratulate our students on their amazing efforts throughout Semester 1.

At the recent College Assembly, we welcomed Mr Vince Bellini who will be the Acting Principal whilst I am on Long Service Leave during Term 3. Mr Bellini is very excited about this opportunity and is looking forward to being a part of our community.

Understandably, I am also very excited about my leave. Whilst I thoroughly enjoy my work, I am looking forward to a change of pace and the opportunity to refresh and reset. I will return at the commencement of Term 4 in time to celebrate the Graduation of our Year 12 students.

I am grateful for the ongoing support of all staff at the College and their tireless work and commitment to helping our College to be successful.

I wish everyone all the best for a successful and engaging Term 3.

Rob Crothers


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